13 Aralık 2013 Cuma

Link: Go Repo
Developed by The Podge
Sponsored by NotDoppler
Genre: Action/Puzzle

The premise is simple. Each level you have a monetary goal to reach. You then control your characters into the houses/buildings and pick up items and throw them into the van to gain money. The catch is you have different characters which have different specialties. For instance one can jump really high, another can knock out people automatically and another can lift heavy items like cars and fridges. The other thing you have to worry about is the people trying to stop you. They will knock you out so you need to knock them out first (or avoid them).

I really like the idea behind Go Repo but in practice it fails on a lot of basic levels. There is a time limit which is probably necessary for this game but it seems to go by too quickly, especially when two out of the three characters move slow and it is annoying to have to climb a building, pick up one item, walk down the stairs, throw it in the van and then go back up and repeat. Just isn't time efficient and makes an interesting concept boring. The other thing I had issues with is knocking people out gives you negative money. Yet it is a lot of the times necessary to do so yet you then lose money and then lose the level. Go Repo had a lot of promise with a unique idea but too many little game breaking issues bog it down.

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