22 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Link: Sentry Knight
Developed by J. Wolf Games
Sponsored by Swartag
Genre: Defense/Action

The staple genre of flash gaming has got to be the defense genre. All the insanely popular classic games are of that ilk. Castle Defender, etc. So there is no wonder that developers consistently put out these types of games. Luckily for me (and you) a lot of these are pretty good. This is the case of Sentry Knight.

Upon loading up Sentry Knight you may be inclined to think that it is a fairly generic version of the trite defense flash game genre. However, if you play longer you'll notice that while it does share a lot of the familiar features it does them all better than most and adds a few new ones of its own. First the "generic" aspects. Basically Sentry Knight has you firing arrows at incoming intruders which are your typical zombies, skeletons, bats, slimes, etc. You also can upgrade yourself and cast spells. All of that is stuff you'd come to expect and basically scoff at.

However, what Sentry Knight brings to the table for those aspects is an over sense of professional polish. The graphics are the "in" style now but are pretty good. Also in general all the controls work well. What really shines in Sentry Knight, however, is the upgrade system and spells. Most games give you five spells you slowly learn through the game. Sentry Knight gives you loads more through the upgrade system/tree that really makes things interesting and allows you to pick spells that best suit your play style. However, I do wish you gained skill points to use in the upgrade tree a lot quicker than you do. Especially seeing as how the game is actually a fairly quick one (although there is an endless mode). Overall, Sentry Knight is a great representation of the defense flash game genre that you should all play.

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