1 Aralık 2013 Pazar

Link: Boss 101
Developed by Donley Time Foundation
Sponsored by ArmorGames
Genre: Shooter

The idea is similar but vastly different. Similarity wise, Boss 101 has you facing only bosses. Each level is you versus a boss which does get slightly harder every time. However, the interesting part of Boss 101 is that before each level you hit a big button called "randomize" which then randomly designs a boss for you. So each level is different and you'll face a different boss with a different head/body/weapon. It really helps replay value as you want to see what mechanized boss abomination you'll face next.

However, unfortunately the randomized boss creator is where the "good" aspects of Boss 101 stop. Gameplay is much too easy to present any challenge or any real replay value. I found that I could literally stand still shooting my basic weapon and destroy most bosses in seconds. They do slightly get harder but nothing too bad or fun to battle against. So in general, Boss 101 had an interesting idea but terribly easy gameplay.

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